Thursday, December 24, 2009

melodies of christmas

done with the last Digital System paper this morning. Exhaustion took the best of me but still i am looking forwards to the christmas outing tonight

atmosphere of freedom that hang over! There is a perceptible thrill in the air. Freedom is so close it is touchable, taste-able. Signs of it are everwhere and I could just feel a faint blush warmed the skin over my cheekbones.

it is heaven, right smack in the middle of hell.

I'd lived through a lot that should have finished me in these couple of days, but it doesn't make me feel strong. Instead, I felt horribly fragile, like one word could shatter me. I think the sleepless night was overpowering. My head felt disconnected from my body. Dead on feet, perhaps :D

anyway, its christmas eve tonight. wishing my family and friends having a great one.
be blessed

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

melodies of christmas

done with the last Digital System paper this morning. Exhaustion took the best of me but still i am looking forwards to the christmas outing tonight

atmosphere of freedom that hang over! There is a perceptible thrill in the air. Freedom is so close it is touchable, taste-able. Signs of it are everwhere and I could just feel a faint blush warmed the skin over my cheekbones.

it is heaven, right smack in the middle of hell.

I'd lived through a lot that should have finished me in these couple of days, but it doesn't make me feel strong. Instead, I felt horribly fragile, like one word could shatter me. I think the sleepless night was overpowering. My head felt disconnected from my body. Dead on feet, perhaps :D

anyway, its christmas eve tonight. wishing my family and friends having a great one.
be blessed

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