Wednesday, February 23, 2011

作为一个游子, 我出门在外尽可能不让自己音讯全无. 所以不时都会给家人和我舒服的朋友捎来自己的消息. 这是一种自给自足的安全感. 尽管它有时也会对自身的存在感没有把握的表现. 有时侯我会纳闷, 自己一厢情愿的提供消息, 其实有没有人在关心呢? 哈哈! 会不会, 没有消息才能叫人更想念和珍惜?

有时候根本懒得向任何人交代我的一切, 而让人却步了, 觉得我不够成熟, 让人生气了, 觉得我不尊重. 有时侯过度透露我的一切, 而让人不安了, 觉得我是个无法给人安全感的笨蛋, 让人失望了, 觉得我还是个爱玩的小妹妹.

数天前, 我终于把最后一张试卷呈上了. 我还以为自己会有多雀跃, 但其实什么都没有. 步出考堂, 背后还传来考生们的欢呼. 他们都是用功的学生吧? 因为只有真正努力熬过来的人, 才会对一场痛苦的结束有切身的感受. 那是一种解脱的心情. 我可能没有认真投入过, 所以最后也只能在别人快乐的时候, 置身事外. 然而, 我不是对所有结束都那么无动于衷. 只是, 路走了那么远, 我知道, 面对人事物的结束, 无论有再深的感慨, 也是无常. 重点在于当下的处理方法. 是要将难过的心情表现出来? 还是藏在心底让它淡去? 如无意外, 我通常选择后者.

毕竟, 很多事情不是我说了算. 别生气了好吗? 别再学我MIA了. 希望我香港回来后, 你的气也该消了.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

its alright. reassurance is all we need sometimes

Sometimes I really think that a few words of support can make us feel much better! Well-placed words of reassurance can have a massive impact. They encourage me to get thru the though days, and help to keep me motivated when things are going well.

When we stumbled and hurt ourselves while playing as a kid, with tears and blood streaming down, it felt good to be gently told : "There..there..Everything is going to be fine." Given alongside the bandage.

Being adult, I realize the grown up reality that everything doesn't always turn out to be fine. I mean, not ironing out as planned. Thats why its even more valuable for us to be reminded that it is possible to come out the other side albeit with a few bumps and bruises.

Having someone else reassure us that we can face up to today's challenges can give us exactly the strength that's required to tackle them head on.

But, itsn't it a sign of weakness to need the reassurance of others?


The future is mapped out for none of us. No one can ever be totally sure how things will turn out. True, we plan, predict and make educated guesses, but there is never a money back guarantee that we will end up with the outcomes we want. It's not surprising. Therefore, that we often look to others ppl to provide us with the reassurance we lack. This background of self doubt and unforeseen circumstances can be distressing.

Surely, someone else can make us believe that tml will turn out fine, after all. Thats what we need to believe, despite what life throws at us. Both the good and the bad stuff.

Maybe you feel like this urself sometimes. I know I do.

If so, who reassures you ?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011



Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I feel many different types of energy coming at me. Things are a bit demanding on the emotional front these days. Its like an intense and troubling time. As altruistic as that may seem from the outside, I really wish to commit to an escape plan. The wall you and I have built.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Everyday. Give. Thank.

If someone has been kind, thank him or her today.

We cant show gratitude without sharing it with someone. Its a way of sharing our joy with that person. Even as simple as burning a candle to show gratitude to God. I recalled how ppl lit the candles in the world tallest church I'd visited back in Ulm Minster last autumn. It shares the joy with everyone who sees the flame of candle. It strengthens their faith.

Each day we come across beauty in a number of shapes and forms. But we have become so accustomed to this beauty that it largely goes unappreciated. The most wasted of all days is the one without laughter. How very true. Never be too busy to laugh. Or too serious to smile. This is specially dedicated to all my fellow friends who are currently so being caught up with stresses and strains of uni life. Yea you get to see a lot of flat faces if you would stay in the MMU library for just a few moments right now. But the good thing is there are a lot of my good friends there in the library with me :)

yea we're not alone lol.

Lastly, lets put on a happy face! Sometimes we have to fake it until we make it. I'm not suggesting that we not be real or authentic, but im suggesting, sometimes, we just need to put on a happy face and keep moving forward :D

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

masterpiece by author of 3 idiots


oh yea I love the last paragraph

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Personality typing systems abound on the internet, some of them more reputable than others. FB quizzes and other social media sites will tell you everything from which cartoon character we are most like to what love story our life most resembles. Yaa you can spend hours answering the questions that help you clarify what you are like and some personality buckets you fit into. These are fun but are they really useful???

One of the biggest "ah ha" moments for me is understanding the vast differences in personality types. I used to be confused or take it personally when someone wouldn't be pleased by the same thing that pleased me. I feel like the picture I see from my eyes are a different world from others seeing it..sometimes :) But I learn to know that ppl with diff personality types aint trying to be frustrating nor annoying- they are just being genuine :) They are probably just as frustrated and annoyed by me as I am by them ROFL.

Lastly, a favorite quote of the day to share.
"It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger for them." - George Eliot

Sunday, February 6, 2011

over the last year I'd read lots of reading materials on self-improvement. One common theme I found in almost everything I read was to emphasize on gratitude. In an effort to increase gratitude in my life, I tried to list some things that have given to me for ntg. My education. My car. My laptop. My phone. It was so easy for me to think of these things because I truly feel like I did ntg to get them. After I aware of those subtle things I am given, I took the next inevitable step, I become thankful on my existence.

I dunno how I end up in this world, but i wake up everyday grateful for the opportunity to experience life.

have a great day ppl

Friday, February 4, 2011

play leads the way

Play can so easily be dismissed or trivialized , as if there's no profundity. But the most profound truth often emerged when when you feel FREE and PLAYFUL.

Playful approach not only helps to build self awareness but also encourage us to accept our IDIOSYNCRASIES. Cos when we let play leads the way, we recognize that every situation in life is an opportunity for greater heart energy.

Dont get me wrong, I actually mean the concept in yoga named Lila - the power of play :pp

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

作为一个游子, 我出门在外尽可能不让自己音讯全无. 所以不时都会给家人和我舒服的朋友捎来自己的消息. 这是一种自给自足的安全感. 尽管它有时也会对自身的存在感没有把握的表现. 有时侯我会纳闷, 自己一厢情愿的提供消息, 其实有没有人在关心呢? 哈哈! 会不会, 没有消息才能叫人更想念和珍惜?

有时候根本懒得向任何人交代我的一切, 而让人却步了, 觉得我不够成熟, 让人生气了, 觉得我不尊重. 有时侯过度透露我的一切, 而让人不安了, 觉得我是个无法给人安全感的笨蛋, 让人失望了, 觉得我还是个爱玩的小妹妹.

数天前, 我终于把最后一张试卷呈上了. 我还以为自己会有多雀跃, 但其实什么都没有. 步出考堂, 背后还传来考生们的欢呼. 他们都是用功的学生吧? 因为只有真正努力熬过来的人, 才会对一场痛苦的结束有切身的感受. 那是一种解脱的心情. 我可能没有认真投入过, 所以最后也只能在别人快乐的时候, 置身事外. 然而, 我不是对所有结束都那么无动于衷. 只是, 路走了那么远, 我知道, 面对人事物的结束, 无论有再深的感慨, 也是无常. 重点在于当下的处理方法. 是要将难过的心情表现出来? 还是藏在心底让它淡去? 如无意外, 我通常选择后者.

毕竟, 很多事情不是我说了算. 别生气了好吗? 别再学我MIA了. 希望我香港回来后, 你的气也该消了.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

its alright. reassurance is all we need sometimes

Sometimes I really think that a few words of support can make us feel much better! Well-placed words of reassurance can have a massive impact. They encourage me to get thru the though days, and help to keep me motivated when things are going well.

When we stumbled and hurt ourselves while playing as a kid, with tears and blood streaming down, it felt good to be gently told : "There..there..Everything is going to be fine." Given alongside the bandage.

Being adult, I realize the grown up reality that everything doesn't always turn out to be fine. I mean, not ironing out as planned. Thats why its even more valuable for us to be reminded that it is possible to come out the other side albeit with a few bumps and bruises.

Having someone else reassure us that we can face up to today's challenges can give us exactly the strength that's required to tackle them head on.

But, itsn't it a sign of weakness to need the reassurance of others?


The future is mapped out for none of us. No one can ever be totally sure how things will turn out. True, we plan, predict and make educated guesses, but there is never a money back guarantee that we will end up with the outcomes we want. It's not surprising. Therefore, that we often look to others ppl to provide us with the reassurance we lack. This background of self doubt and unforeseen circumstances can be distressing.

Surely, someone else can make us believe that tml will turn out fine, after all. Thats what we need to believe, despite what life throws at us. Both the good and the bad stuff.

Maybe you feel like this urself sometimes. I know I do.

If so, who reassures you ?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011



Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I feel many different types of energy coming at me. Things are a bit demanding on the emotional front these days. Its like an intense and troubling time. As altruistic as that may seem from the outside, I really wish to commit to an escape plan. The wall you and I have built.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Everyday. Give. Thank.

If someone has been kind, thank him or her today.

We cant show gratitude without sharing it with someone. Its a way of sharing our joy with that person. Even as simple as burning a candle to show gratitude to God. I recalled how ppl lit the candles in the world tallest church I'd visited back in Ulm Minster last autumn. It shares the joy with everyone who sees the flame of candle. It strengthens their faith.

Each day we come across beauty in a number of shapes and forms. But we have become so accustomed to this beauty that it largely goes unappreciated. The most wasted of all days is the one without laughter. How very true. Never be too busy to laugh. Or too serious to smile. This is specially dedicated to all my fellow friends who are currently so being caught up with stresses and strains of uni life. Yea you get to see a lot of flat faces if you would stay in the MMU library for just a few moments right now. But the good thing is there are a lot of my good friends there in the library with me :)

yea we're not alone lol.

Lastly, lets put on a happy face! Sometimes we have to fake it until we make it. I'm not suggesting that we not be real or authentic, but im suggesting, sometimes, we just need to put on a happy face and keep moving forward :D

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

masterpiece by author of 3 idiots


oh yea I love the last paragraph

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Personality typing systems abound on the internet, some of them more reputable than others. FB quizzes and other social media sites will tell you everything from which cartoon character we are most like to what love story our life most resembles. Yaa you can spend hours answering the questions that help you clarify what you are like and some personality buckets you fit into. These are fun but are they really useful???

One of the biggest "ah ha" moments for me is understanding the vast differences in personality types. I used to be confused or take it personally when someone wouldn't be pleased by the same thing that pleased me. I feel like the picture I see from my eyes are a different world from others seeing it..sometimes :) But I learn to know that ppl with diff personality types aint trying to be frustrating nor annoying- they are just being genuine :) They are probably just as frustrated and annoyed by me as I am by them ROFL.

Lastly, a favorite quote of the day to share.
"It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger for them." - George Eliot

Sunday, February 6, 2011

over the last year I'd read lots of reading materials on self-improvement. One common theme I found in almost everything I read was to emphasize on gratitude. In an effort to increase gratitude in my life, I tried to list some things that have given to me for ntg. My education. My car. My laptop. My phone. It was so easy for me to think of these things because I truly feel like I did ntg to get them. After I aware of those subtle things I am given, I took the next inevitable step, I become thankful on my existence.

I dunno how I end up in this world, but i wake up everyday grateful for the opportunity to experience life.

have a great day ppl

Friday, February 4, 2011

play leads the way

Play can so easily be dismissed or trivialized , as if there's no profundity. But the most profound truth often emerged when when you feel FREE and PLAYFUL.

Playful approach not only helps to build self awareness but also encourage us to accept our IDIOSYNCRASIES. Cos when we let play leads the way, we recognize that every situation in life is an opportunity for greater heart energy.

Dont get me wrong, I actually mean the concept in yoga named Lila - the power of play :pp