Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Personality typing systems abound on the internet, some of them more reputable than others. FB quizzes and other social media sites will tell you everything from which cartoon character we are most like to what love story our life most resembles. Yaa you can spend hours answering the questions that help you clarify what you are like and some personality buckets you fit into. These are fun but are they really useful???

One of the biggest "ah ha" moments for me is understanding the vast differences in personality types. I used to be confused or take it personally when someone wouldn't be pleased by the same thing that pleased me. I feel like the picture I see from my eyes are a different world from others seeing it..sometimes :) But I learn to know that ppl with diff personality types aint trying to be frustrating nor annoying- they are just being genuine :) They are probably just as frustrated and annoyed by me as I am by them ROFL.

Lastly, a favorite quote of the day to share.
"It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger for them." - George Eliot

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Personality typing systems abound on the internet, some of them more reputable than others. FB quizzes and other social media sites will tell you everything from which cartoon character we are most like to what love story our life most resembles. Yaa you can spend hours answering the questions that help you clarify what you are like and some personality buckets you fit into. These are fun but are they really useful???

One of the biggest "ah ha" moments for me is understanding the vast differences in personality types. I used to be confused or take it personally when someone wouldn't be pleased by the same thing that pleased me. I feel like the picture I see from my eyes are a different world from others seeing it..sometimes :) But I learn to know that ppl with diff personality types aint trying to be frustrating nor annoying- they are just being genuine :) They are probably just as frustrated and annoyed by me as I am by them ROFL.

Lastly, a favorite quote of the day to share.
"It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger for them." - George Eliot

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